Questions & Answers


Frequently Asked Questions


Is it worth it to contact you?

The short answer is yes. If you give me information about the artwork you have, for whatever reason you wish to hire me, I will let you know if I think it is worth the cost of my services.

How do you know what an item is worth?

My background includes a college degree in studio art and a secondary art education certification. I am an ISA CAPP (Certified Appraiser of Personal Property with the International Society of Appraisers). This is the highest level an appraiser can achieve at ISA, requiring 100s of hours of appraisals and the passing of a lengthy exam. Prior to my work as an appraiser, I accrued many years of experience in the art world, as an artist and gallery director. Based upon a combination of my knowledge of art and art markets, and my training as an appraiser, I can assure that I give accurate information for the value of your artworks.

is the information about my artwork kept confidential?

Yes. All appraisal client information is kept confidential. If I need to consult with another expert in the field, whether that is an auction house, a dealer or another appraiser, I will ask for your permission up front.

how can i send you images of my artwork(s)?

If you just have a few images to send, you can send them to my email. If there are over 5 large resolution images, it is better to use a free service like Wetransfer.com or Dropbox.com to get the images to me. These file transfer services are easy to use and free in most cases.

I have other items i need to have appraised such as my Mom’s china and furniture. can you help me?

Although I do not appraise items in these areas, I can assist you in finding the right appraiser. The North Texas Chapter of ISA is a large and active chapter with appraisers who specialize in all areas. I can give you the names of appraisers who can assist you.


what information do you want about my artworks?

I would like to have dimensions of the artwork and any information you can provide to me about the history of ownership. How did you obtain the item and when? Was the artwork ever damaged or appraised? Did your family ever provide you with information about the artwork’s past?

how do i take good photographs of my artwork?

It is best if you can photograph the artwork in natural light, but not direct sun. This means taking the photo in a well-lit room or outdoors. Turn off the flash on your camera or phone. If you are getting a glare, take the picture from an angle. Take a photo of the whole artwork, then take a few photos of the details. Take a photo of the signature and any text that you see. Also, take a photo of the back of the work, even if it is covered with a dust cover. Sometimes there will be gallery label or artist signature on the back. Take a picture of that as well.

How long will it take to receive a reply to my inquiry?

I will acknowledge all appraisal inquiries within 24 hours. At the time of my reply, I will let you know the length of time it will take me to respond to your inquiry more specifically. Typically my response time to give you an estimate for your appraisal will be several days.

what if I have questions about the appraisal process?

Please feel free to ask me about anything you have questions about. We can talk over email or by phone. Each appraisal assignment is different, and I will be happy to go over any details of the appraisal process with you so that you feel comfortable with the approach.